During discussion, although not deeply researched, The Exorcist was mentioned. This is
where our idea for a religion based horror film came from, we were all aware that this film was based around Christianity and so began discussions about how we could develop this idea further.
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
We only really introduced two characters during our film opening one being the villain and one being the victim. The villain is portrayed as a mentally unstable religious extremist and the victim; a normal young girl to the audience and a prostitute to our deranged killer. The audience are never really fully introduced to the killer in terms of his costume
because he is always seen in the dark. Although, we did try to keep his costume dark to mirror his dark character; He wears a long black coat and black trousers. We also didn’t show the killers face throughout which adds an obvious element of mystery and fear of the unknown for the viewer. We tried to obviously give a negative view of the killer through his lack of description and detailed description of his actions in the voice over. We understood that this negative portrayal of the religious extremist could be quite controversial however felt that the fact he was indeed described as a ‘religious extremist’ would dilute any upset with the religious community.
With regards to the victim, we tried to make her relatable for the young target audience so that the impact of her death would be greater. We wanted to make her look quite provocative with the short skirt and high heels, however quite ordinary with the leather jacket and scarf. Although we wanted to introduce her as someone who has ‘sinned’ so that the storyline would become clearer, we also wanted to add in the idea that the killer was mentally deranged and that in his mind, all young females are prostitutes and need to become ‘pure’. I think this added a new twist to the plot which would add confusion and disorientation for the viewer.
We used the camera well in showing her as an innocent victim, the close ups on her face which gives a positive atmosphere allowing the audience to be in control of the situation (by having all the character information) and therefore have a positive view of the girl. This was a complete contrast to the long shot views of the villain. Also, we helped the sympathy feeling for the victim in the fact that we had one slow motion shot of her realisation that she was being followed which obviously highlighted her reaction.
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Twisted pictures is best known for the series of horror films ‘saw’ which still are some of the most popular horror films produced. Twisted pictures would be suitable due to their history in producing extremely successful horror films, most of which are aimed at a young adult target audience (similar to that of our film opening).
On average the singular films in the saw series made over $100 million which adds to their successful history in the production of horror films. Also the special effects in the saw movies were done extremely well and we felt that special effects is one of the main aspects which can make or break an effective horror film.
However, a more negative aspect of this institution is that the majority of their other past releases have been categorically less successful. In fact some of their other productions have been only released on the internet which is not what we would be happy with as an outcome. A possible alternative to this institution would be Columbia pictures which is the film institution that I researched, they have an extremely successful history and have produced many award winning motion pictures. But yet again there is a negative aspect with regards to this institution producing our film; they do not have a great range of history in the production of films for the horror genre.
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
There was quite a dispute within the group when deciding what a suitable age certificate would be, we were unsure whether the themes in the plot would warrant an 18 or 15 rating. We finally decided on a 15 rating as there is not excessive amounts of gore and violence and the actual plot, although psychological, was not as chilling as some other existing horror films. So with regards to the target audience we felt our film would appeal to an age range of 15-24.
We do not think that it would be specific to either gender as the female character would be seen as an interest for young men and a more relatable character for young women. We feel that because of the mature themes such as religious extremism that our target audience would ideally have an interest in current affairs and or different cultures. We don’t think that the film would appeal to any particular social background or income however would appeal to people studying sociology/ psychology either at Alevel or at a lower/ higher level. We think this because the film plot looks deeply into the mental state of the religious extremist and naturally though the fact that this person has chosen psychology or sociology as an option they must have some interest either in the human mind or collective minds.
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
I feel we addressed that target audience well in our opening. The target audiences interest in current affairs is addressed in the voice over news report at the very beginning. The voice over is also a very familiar medium to use and so would adhere to the side of realism in the story and also appeal to the audience as it is indeed familiar. The victim is played by Ellie Duckles and, as mentioned earlier, this works through the fact her character is 17 years old and so within the same age range as the audience and is extremely relatable because of that. The high angle shots of her emphasise her vulnerability which sparks sympathy from the audience regardless of their age, this creates a broader range of people the film would appeal to. The villain is shown in dark clothing, through this and his description in the voice over, he becomes instantly dislikeable. An easy to read character appeals to the target audience through the idea that people like to be able to fully understand a situation. However, the horror genre’s main purpose is to frighten its audience and this cannot happen if every aspect of the production is understood. Our film addresses this slight fault through the victim being intrinsically more relatable, her confusion adds to this scare tactic as the audience will feel more connected to her and are more likely to be frightened when she is.
I created a poster as part of a possible advertising campaign for the film as I feel a trailer or advert would be less accessible, and a poster gets the idea across quickly. This point works especially well for our target audience of young people as they stereotypically have a shorter attention span than some older generations. I think the poster would also be good as it can be shown on many different platforms such as billboards etc. and so reaches a wider audience. Although, if we were to advertise on a larger scale I feel that some online adverts on social networking sites would be effective. From the survey of potential audience members I took, I found that nearly all of them used at least one social networking site, and so an advertising platform on, say facebook would be almost certainly reaching the target audience and therefore possibly more effective than a television advertising campaign.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have decided to create a short film regarding the technology aspect of the evaluation showing what problems we had when creating the film: (pause where necessary, was unable to upload in a better quality, for full quality see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiMGXYWgpB8&feature=youtu.be)
We came across many difficulties when editing the piece. Final Cut Express was unreliable at times for example in not saving work on one occasion. The ability to zoom right in and do more detailed editing was very useful which is something we could not do so well in IMovie. I learned how to use a lot of basic functions in final cut. The major draw back of this software was the time it took to render clips and render their alterations, it was very tedious waiting for the clips to render and not being able to do anything else especially considering the majority of our clips were in black and white! Following on from this we were very happy with how final cut allowed us to change and improve the quality of our clips with the colour pallet as there were issues with the cameras we were using when filming in low light conditions. Overall we fell that Final Cut Express is very high quality editing software and helped make the editing process as simple as possible.
We used two separate cameras when filming; my own bridge style camera and Ellie's high quality compact. We found that in many respects the compact camera was better however due to availability issues we were forced to use my camera for some clips. However having a fairly high quality microphone installed in the compact camera, the scene (as shown in the video) with the P.o.v. running shot was difficult to film and edit due to the sound of the wind overpowering the screams. Although the compact was also very good in low light we did end up having to use torches to brighten the shots when filming. This was a minor inconvenience and overall we felt the quality of the camera was very good and easy to work with, with simple controls and playback options.
I also had never really used a mac computer prior to making this opening and so gained some more knowledge about the mac operating system. Automatic back up and autosave was a very good feature on the system which allowed us to be free from worries that our work may be deleted. The documents system was hard to navigate around however and so we had to spend more time than we normally would with windows when saving and retrieving footage.
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Almost every aspect of producing our preliminary task was changed when creating our main horror film opening. However, we did decide to relate the actual plot to our main task. When brainstorming ideas for our preliminary task we decided that, in the knowledge that we were to ultimately have to create the opening to a horror film, we would link it at least to the same genre. We decided this because we felt it would be the best possible practise in suspense building techniques and so on. We thought about the plot with both the main and preliminary tasks in mind and that was the main reason for nearly the same characters featuring in both.
We realised that perhaps the main issue with the preliminary task was that we failed to create the effective scare aspect. We discovered that this was most likely due to the speech, realistic script writing and acting is extremely hard to do well. So we changed this in the main task by only using the voice over of the news report and the screaming which I feel worked a lot better, in a more subtle way.
We edited the preliminary task on imovie purely for the reason that more of the group had some idea of how to use it, in complete contrast to our lack of knowledge for final cut express at that point. Again we found that we were limited during the editing process and probably should have used the most professional software available. And for the final opening we did switch to final cut, our lack of knowledge disappeared after only a few editing sessions and we were able to grasp the basis of the programme relatively quickly.
We really did work well to improve our skills dramatically in both a technical and creative way throughout the course of this project. Linking our plot between the preliminary and main task was really helpful in progressing in a way which specifically related to improving our final product.