In our first editing session we realised that our shots were actually in the wrong format for final cut express. After seeking advice from our tech support in school charlie managed to find an online converter which would convert our files into mp4 so after a few failed attempts we managed to get our files loaded and rendered onto final cut. After importing our files we began to watch them back and get them into some sort of order. We realised here just how many extra shots we actually filmed and have since deleted a few of the shots in order to make the film as a whole easier to work with.
Our first main task has been to cut shots and edit some to black and white (which we are using to show a flash back).
(Left) Here we went into the colour converter menu and changed the colour filter by altering the saturation to zero. This worked well and from here we also altered the brightness of some of the black and white shots in order to make them more visible (especially in the panning down shot of ellie next to the lamp post which was exceedingly dark).
We also really wanted to make use of the effects in final cut and create some cross fades in order to shorten the shot of the flash of the Polaroid camera and also to continue the noise of the flash after the actual on screen shot had finished playing. This effect is useful because we only wanted to use the flash as a kind of splitter between scene's (See screen shot right). We also used the cross fades to create some interesting flashes of shots in order to emphasise the disorientation and vulnerability of our victim on the cross.
Next we used the colour filter tool bar again to edit the lighting more in some shots to make them look better as we filmed with two different cameras and one was better quality than the other (this also helped with improving our continuity, see screen shot left).
Today we managed to make real progress in ordering and cutting quite a few of our shots. We made the important decision of not using the shots from inside the shed as we felt that if they were included, they would have made the piece look very disjointed and hard to follow as there would be far too many different loactions to focus on.
We plan to put in a few extra editing hours this week in order to make lots more progress and meet our deadline of this friday, we may stay for an hour after school today (as we did last night). The editing process is going well so far and there have been few disagreements.