Friday 14 October 2011

Lesson 3 on our own horror movie opening.

           We decided on a film title and film institution title during lesson 3;
Film title:
The crucifixion .
Film institution title:
La Sangrienta pictures. (Bloody pictures)
  We also began deciding on a rough plan for the running order of the opening, our next element to decide on is a final storyboard and script.

As it is:
  • Credits begin (white type writter font on black background)
  • Voice over of news report fades in describing a crucifixion style murder of a young girl.
  • Panning shot of a police line being dragged across.
  • Throughout credits and voice over images and movie clips flash up of the girl being murdered and chased through a wooded area.
  • News broadcast ends with a polaroid picture of the girl (victim) prior to the murder. 
  • A shot is shown afterwards of the girl on the cross after the murder has taken place.
  • A desk is shown in a darkened room and a mans hands are shown sticking an image of the girl into a scrap book and crossing through the picture with a red marker pen.
  • The scene ends with the book being closed to reveal its title "The crucifixion".

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