Thursday 22 September 2011

Key conventions of film openings.

Today we looked at various film openings, here is what we found common in all of them:
  • Credits are found in most film openings highlighting; the producers, the main actors in the film, the film makers, the director (especially if he/she is well known) and most importantly the name of the film. Famous names in the credits will often either entice the audience in and promote the film or completely put them off.
  • The genre of the film is normally introduced in some way to give the audience some kind of guidance as to whether or not they will enjoy it.
  • The genre is normally established through the typical conventions of that particular genre being shown in the beginning of the film. Even music can help us gain some sort of knowledge as to what the genre may be.
  • Finally, we normally get a feeling for the Narrative/storyline from just the first few minutes of the film through uses of setting the scene and character introductions.

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